How do dogs see?
Have you ever wondered how your dog sees the world? Canine vision is actually quite different from ours. Here are some key points to understand.
Contrary to popular belief, dogs cannot see in black and white. They see colors, but not the way we do. Dogs primarily see shades of blue and yellow.
Visual acuity
The visual acuity of dogs is generally worse than that of humans. That means they don't see the details as clearly as we do.
Field of view
A dog's field of vision is wider than a human's, meaning they can see more of their surroundings at once.
Perception of movement
Dogs are very good at detecting movement. That's why your dog may be attracted to toys that move, like our dog toys and dog balls .
In conclusion
Understanding how your dog sees the world can help you interact with him more effectively. Remember, each dog is unique and may perceive the world differently.